What is your Return & Refund Policy?

WhatBritainBuys tries to make a Friendly and understandable return policy. We want to be clear and fair with our customers.

You may return any item purchased from WhatBritainBuys for any reason within 30 days of purchase. The product ship date is the date of purchase. You will receive refund for new, unopened, items in the original form of Payment except Shipping & Handling. You will need to pay for the return shipping charges.

To return an item, please contact us and let us know which items you will be returning, as well as the original order number. You may ship the product to us via any carrier to:
Vraj RCH Limited/WhatBritainBuys
15 Bedford Business Centre, Bedford, MK42 9TW

We Process refunds within 5 to 7 business days of receiving an authorized return.

WhatBritainBuys will pay for all standard shipping costs, charge no restocking fees and accept all returned items when the return is a result of our error.

If return is a result of customer's error, it will be customer's responsibility to return that product to us for refund, Shipping and handling charges will be non-refundable and we will charge 20% restocking fees.

Refund will not be issued if returned product is found damaged, if it has been used, or if product has been damaged in return shipping.

We do not accept return or exchange for Electronics, Chocolate, Candies and Toys.

What if product is damaged?

WhatBritainBuys will ship a new product again or will issue full refund of order amount.

What if you get incorrect product?
If you get different product form purchase, WhatBritainBuys will ship the correct product with return label. (Actual item you receive may differ from shown for some).

Incorrect Address or Delivery Refusal.
If a package cannot be delivered for any reason including incorrect or deliverable address to the address you provided, or should you refuse the package, you remain responsible and hereby agree to pay for the order in full, waving any and all rights of filing charge back.

Note: We are not responsible for product functionality. You have to call to Manufacturer directly if your product does not work or helpful. We will not issue any credit or refund for that product.

Order Cancellation Policy:

All orders are automatically processed on our secure merchant processor and sent for shipment as soon as they are placed. During this process we incur irreversible fees. Therefore, while we understand that orders might need to be changed sometimes, we are unable to do it free of charge after a certain point. We strictly adhere to the following cancellation policy:

• If you cancel your order BEFORE it has been shipped, you will be assessed a 10% cancellation fee before credit is issued.

• If you cancel your order AFTER it has been shipped, please follow our Return Policies & Procedures. The cancellation will have to be treated as a Return with all applicable fees.

• Orders which are REFUSED AT DELIVERY will be assessed all of the applicable fees listed above - including restocking, cancellation and other applicable fees.

Orders in excess of £200.00 are considered special order and are non-refundable.